Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Welcome home

 Welcome Home, has such a sweeter meaning to me now. Jason and I were able to buy our first home this year. We found the perfect one for our family and for a screaming good deal too. Although I have to admit I wasn't a huge fan of the house itself, it has grown on me immensely. This house is also fifty times better than the other houses we've been looking at.  
  The yard is really low maintenance, mainly because There's not a whole lot going on. We've got some fantastic ideas to pretty the place up and make it a great place to hang out. Three trees in the back make amazing shade almost the entire day!
  The house layout is what I've come to love the most. The upstairs with our bedrooms and bathroom is so private, unexpected guests are no stress at all! The front formal room is somewhat on it's own to hide our fabulous life that gets spread around. It's also connected with the family room and kitchen. It's great to be in the same area doing things we need to do.
  We've moved into Viking territory which is happy to me, not so much to my Caveman husband. But it could be worse, we could be in Pioneer territory right? We have a great view of the mountains, we're close to shopping, and have pretty good neighbors. 
 We're excited to have our own space without interferences and look really forward to painting, landscaping, and all kinds of improvements without approvement! We'll be finished putting things up and getting situated soon, and have an open house for friends!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Fathers Day 2012

I celebrated Father's day yesterday with Jason and our boys. We are so lucky to have a man in our lives that loves his children so much. He's always putting them first and never leaves for work without getting a huge hug and kisses from his little boys. How lucky they are to have such a loving father that isn't afraid to show it. Jeremy ended up with a stomach flu and wasn't up for too much fun, so we'll make it up to dad today as best we can!
I wish I could have made a visit to my own dad, luckily he's very easy going and understood about Jeremy being sick. I was very fortunate to grow up with a dad at home that always worked hard to take care of us. Give those dads out there a big hug this week!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


This is a little late, but I guess that's my style. Jeremy went to kindergarten this year and it was pretty fun. He had some ups and downs with friends, school work, and his teacher. It's surprising how much things change as our kids get older and start to have new problems and successes. I hope I can always be there for him, and give him the right advice and words of comfort.
 All ready and out the door. I was such a nutty parent that morning! My first child's first day of kindergarten!!
 Checking out his teacher's sign where he lines up for class.
 Jeremy found his best friend from a year ago, and was super excited. They totally reconnected and started hanging out again. Jeremy was really digging the mo-hawk too.
 The Principal, and Mrs. Hurst welcoming the new students and taking them in. I'm just glad every other parent showed up with a camera and teary eyes too!
This is the last week of school, they did a dance festival. It was so cute, they did the duck dance and he did great and looked cute too. I'm gonna miss this.

Starting Summer.

My favorite photo of Jeremy in baseball so far. He looks pretty hardcore walking up to the plate. He's on the Pirates this year with some good kids, and a good coach.
We missed the group photo day by two minutes! No body told us about it and we were even early that day! So I just gathered the boys and snapped my own. I at least saved 20 bucks right??
Jeremy in scouts is kinda interesting. It requires listening and persistence. The core values in scouts are going to be great for Jeremy. Let's just hope he really gets into it and enjoys himself. We've already lost his Tiger scouts book!
 At Andrew's baptism. We took an overnight trip out to Vernal with Jamie to support Andrew and bring him back home with us. We're so proud of him, he really blows me away with his knowledge and determination to keep his baptism covenants. He really understands his choice strives to live it. What an amazing young man he's growing into!

Summer solstice is next week, but our summer is well underway around here. Jeremy has started coach pitch T-ball, and he's having quite a bit of fun. He's also started Tiger Cub Scouts in Pleasant grove, and attended a really fun day camp. He was able to shoot a bow and learned to tie some knots. Andrew has just gotten baptized and has come down to visit for two months of summer. We just bought our first home and have finished moving in and we're just about all unpacked and settled in. It's a great home and I think we'll be happy here for a long time! We're really looking forward to Strawberry days next week! They family is coming in town from all over the place and we have many plans for a fun time! We went to the children's parade last year all dressed up as pirates, and found ourselves on the cover of the Strawberry days magazine! Talk about fun!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Summer is around the corner!

Finally the weather is taking a warmer turn! This fills me with so much excitement with all the fun things summer brings!
 We've celebrated all our beginning of the year birthdays, and have been just trucking along as usual.
Changes are on the horizon for us also. We are purchasing our first home, and plan to move the beginning of June. We're really excited for this, and I'll do my best to keep things updated!

The pretty sweet fish cake I made for Jason's birthday. He was just kind a last minute decision and it turned out cute.

Jeremy's Sonic cake we had made. He's had an obsession with Sonic lately.
Jeremy's birthday party was a blast! We went to trafalga and played laser tag with loads of friends and family. What a great time!